

Enhancing Healthcare, One Feature at a Time

  • Fixes and Enhancements
    Clinic Resource-Based Scheduling: You can now book appointments under a clinic resource—without needing to assign a specific provider.
    Ava Connect: Patients can now manage their Ava Connect notification preferences. They can opt out of broadcast emails, connect message alerts, appointment reminder emails, and SMS notifications.
  • Fixes and Enhancements
    Tasks UI: The “Tasks at Other Clinics” section has been renamed to “Other Clinics” in preparation for upcoming features.
  • Fixes and Enhancements
    Consults: We are pleased to announce the release of our new consult features. The consult section now includes an expand button, facilitating a more streamlined process for sorting through them.
  • Fixes and Enhancements
    Ava Connect: We are excited to announce an update to Ava Connect which enhances the way caregiver/dependent relationships are managed. This update allows users to add multiple caregivers to a patient's profile and enables caregivers without a patient chart at the clinic to create an Ava Connect account.
  • Fixes and Enhancements
    Patient Lists: We appreciate all the user feedback from our latest patient list update. Based on your input, we've made improvements to the patient list filters. By default, patient lists will now display all lists within a clinic without filtering by any set date. Additionally, we've added a checkbox to separate deleted lists from activated lists.
    Prescriptions: Users categorized as Pharmacists can now prescribe medications.
  • Fixes and Enhancements
    Patient Lists: Patient lists now include a variety of new search filters and brand-new preview columns.
    Print Chart Footer: You now have the option to change the name displayed on the footer of PDF Print Charts. This can be found under Clinic Management > Employee Information > Display Names.
    Patient Email: The emails that patients receive have been given a fresh new look. Please be aware of this change if you receive any inquiries regarding the updated appearance.
  • Fixes and Enhancements
    Aliases: Aliases for CDX IDs have been added for use within PDF forms.
    BC Billing Reports: The layout of various BC Billing reports have been updated.
    BC Billing: Within a bill under the "Notes" tab, you now have the ability to add a debit reason.
    Limit Appointment Types: Updates have been made to Limit Appointment Types to enhance Ava Connect patient scheduling capabilities.
  • Fixes and Enhancements
    Consults: Multiple UI Improvements when viewing the consult in the patient’s chart
    Flowsheets: Macros can now be used in more sections of the flowsheets
  • Fixes and Enhancements
    Grammar Edits: replaces where “patients” should be “patient’s”
  • Fixes and Enhancements
    WCB, WSBC and ICBC: Added the ability to preview a completed or saved WCB note as a PDF.
    Demographics: Users can now copy the pharmacy's information from the patient demographic card
    Billable Clinical Notes: Users can now mark billable clinical notes as manually billed to clear billable clinical notes list
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